Frequently Asked Questions
Does the purchase price of the software include training and installation?
What is the recommended training time? How much does it cost?
We recommend 3 days of training. We find this gives all staff members enough time to get completely comfortable with the basics of the system first and the more in-depth options of the system once your staff is comfortable with day-to-day activities. Our trainers will not leave your office until your staff is comfortable with the software! Pricing is competitive and affordable. For more information go to our contact page and phone or email!
Do setup, travel and installation use up any of my training hours?
You offer an "Annual Service Agreement", what does this include?
The annual support contract includes unlimited toll free telephone support, software enhancements and upgrades as well as changes to the fee guide. New clients get first 3 months free!
What is the response time to support calls? What are your telephone support hours?
We try for immediate response but this is not always possible. Should you have to leave a message, we will return your call within 20 minutes. Our telephone support hours are: Mon-Thurs 8:00am-5:00pm EST, Fri 8:00am-4:00pm EST.
Am I contractually locked in with Timeshift for a specified number of years?
No. Support and maintenance is billed annually and is entirely optional.
Does the support contract include the new fee guide each year?
Does support include software updates throughout the year?
Do you charge a licensing fee per terminal?
No. This is the way others add quickly and dramatically to the purchase price for the unsuspecting purchaser. Timeshift offers a site license which means you may have as many workstations as you like for a one-time fee.
Do you integrate with digital x-rays and intra-oral cameras?
Yes, we bridge to any intra-oral camera and digital x-ray equipment. This allows you to choose the best option for your office.
Can my existing data be converted?
Yes, we convert all of you data. If you are already computerized and need to switch to another system, make sure your data can be converted. If the company cannot or will not convert the data, be aware of the ramifications. Be sure to ask specifically what data will be converted. You will need all your patient information, account balances, insurance information, your appointment book, as well as your patient history and recall system. For more information regarding conversions please visit our Conversions page.